Low Downpayment and Unbeatable Rates
Franklin Mortgage Holdings offers unbeatable rates and low down payments, making it easier for borrowers to obtain financing for properties that do not meet conventional bank criteria. Their customized loans are tailored to the individual borrower’s financial profile and property type, ensuring that each borrower has a financing option that suits their unique needs. We work closely with borrowers to create a financing plan that is comfortable for them to pay back, with options such as fixed or adjustable-rate mortgages. This allows borrowers to have the flexibility they need to manage their finances and payments.
With decades of experience in the industry, Franklin Mortgage Holdings has developed a reputation for being a reliable and professional lender, who prioritizes the needs of their clients above all else. We a client-focused approach to lending, working closely with borrowers to ensure that they have a positive experience throughout the entire loan process from origination to repayment.